There is no substitution for a one-on-one conversation. Many questions can simply be answered via phone. We encourage most clients to try calling first, especially when scheduling an property assessment. However, if it is after hours or email is more convenient, feel free to send us a message using this form.
Demonstration Farm
Contact Form
300 Poppy Rd
Madison, NC 27025
Field Voice: 919-414-8046
Office/Text: 336-430-2562
Email: fire@wildlandforestry.com

Where We Work.
Helping landowners realize healthy and productive landscapes in the greater piedmont and beyond.
Core Territory: Our general work area includes most of the piedmont of North Carolina and southern Virginia. All provided services are available to landowners in this zone.
Special Project Zone: There are some projects that make it worthwhile to go a little farther. We happily work outside of our core territory to assist landowners with properties that include niche conservation components, such as:
-Longleaf or Shortleaf Pine forests
-Savanna or Prairie Restoration (including mountain balds).
-Bobwhite Quail, Ruffed Grouse, or Golden-Winged Warbler Habitat Improvement
-Any endangered or threatened species
-American Chestnut or Bigtooth Aspen